Thursday, May 15, 2014

My Problem with Amazing Spider-Man 2

Alright, so I know that a lot of people really like this movie, and I'm not saying it has no redeeming qualities. I'm not sad I saw it, nor am I angry at the writers/director/studio. It was a big dumb popcorn movie (at two and a half hours one could say a gargantuan dumb popcorn movie) and I know that that's all I should have expected.

But here's my deal: this movie has three plots, none of which depend, build, or draw on each other. They barely even interact. With the exception of a single scene, Electro could disappear entirely from this movie and you wouldn't have to change anything else. Even the scene he is in it doesn't matter that he's Electro: he could literally be replaced with an extra with no lines.

That's the difference, I think, between a complicated movie and a convoluted movie. Complicated movies have lots of different plots and characters woven together to make a solid whole. Convoluted movies have lot's of different plots and characters thrown together with no larger purpose than "let's put a lot of guys in here."

Why is Harry Osborn in this movie? So he can become an unintentionally hilarious Green Goblin. Why is there a clock tower right next to a power substation? So they can have a big cartoony fight in it. Why do Harry Osborn and Peter Parker renew their friendship? So that that friendship can dissolve.

In fact, it seems like the only reason Peter Parker makes any friends or talks to anybody is so he be all mopey when he unintentionally ruins their lives. There's no sense of real people or a lived-in world; it's just a set full of people for Spider-Man to interact with so the movie can keep going. It's hard for me to care about what's going on when I know the writers are going to paint by number.

Also, when I have to see this goofy a-hole.